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『60人, 부천을 노래하다』 유네스코 문학창의도시 부천시인편 l 가온

번역 우형숙 | 가온



This collection of poems makes its appearance at a meaningful time. Bucheon City, which is located between Seoul and Incheon in Korea, was designated as UNESCO Creative City of Literature on November 1st, 2017. On the day the city became the only UNESCO Creative City of Literature in East Asia. I know how Korea and the city are. So I'd like to celebrate it together. The city has been well known for its B—boy culture and contests, the Philharmonic Orchestra, several museums, in addition of literature. Now, this gathering of poems brings us to the center of the city, and shows us the ways to stay in touch with the world all around, through the poems of Bucheon poets. The poems interpret the old and new richness of Bucheon to the world. We' 11 find ourselves reminded of the history, of the urban present day, and of the natural world that envelops us, whether in the city of Korea, or in the city thousands of miles away. We hear and see, we taste, we catch the scent — people remembering birds, flowers, the trees, a food box from a food truck. What is it like to be living in the midst of the array of techno accomplishments that Korea has made a part of its present—day cultural realms, while at the same time finding in the midst of the most urban spaces imaginable, the resonant traces, or more, of the Korean natural landscape and its occupants? In their many different voices and gestures, through the fine translations of this remarkable collection, these poems reach out to tell us, show us, to let us hear. Koreans have shown a great interest in western culture and literature. I hope that, like so many Koreans can speak English and understand English poems, the western world will read or know Korean poems. This book will help the world understand Korea much better through Bucheon poems.

Massachusetts, USA 

Jan. 4th, 2019 

David McCann 

Poet, Translator, Korea Foundation Professor

of Korean Literature, Harvard University

Introduction of the Translator, Woo Hyung—sook 

She is a translation committee member for the Korean Center of the International PEN club. She holds a doctorate (Ph.D.) in English literature, and her major is poetry translation. She is representative of Mac Translation Center and also writes Sijo poems. She is now a steering committee member of Bucheon UNESCO City of Literature. She taught English literature and translation at Sookmyung Women's University for 25 years and Sejong University for 5 years. She retired in 2017. She has presented research papers at the symposiums of the Korean Translation Society and the Korean Pearl Buck Research Society. Her papers include "A Study of Cohesion in Korean—English Poetry Translation", "On Cohesive Features for the Translation of Juvenile Stories", "On Methods of Translating Children's Verse", "After Translating Pearl Buck's Posthumous Poems", etc. She translated and published the following collections of poetry: Grove of Azalea written by Byun Young—ro, Korean Odyssey written by Byun Young—ro, and Songs from Korea written by Byun Young—tae. She also co—translated Routledge Encyclopedia of Translation Studies written by Mona Baker. Recently she translated a collection of Sijo poems, Someone is Sitting written by Kim Min—jeong. 

<e—mail: hyungswoo@hanmail.net>



안금자 - 님의노래
양성수 - 원미산의 봄
정창배 - 개구리
구자룡 - 소사 어르신네들
금미자 - 자유시장 앞에서
우형숙 - 오,펄 벅
강수경 - 3층에서 바라본 도시
구정혜 - 자처유배
김철기 - 부천전철역 풍경
박희주 - 중앙공원 대추나무
고경숙 - 진조크루
박미현 - 가을 원미산
유미애 - 오쇠리 나팔꽃
김경식 - 실낙원
이천명 - 진달래 동산

황상희 - 대장동 들길에서
김해빈 - 소풍터미널 가는 길
홍영수 - 심곡천
이오장 - 복사골 소년
이가은 - 파리 손님
정령 - 여월 숲의 외딴집
임숙희 - 심곡천, 그해 여름
차경녀 - 복사꽃 여정
김명숙 - 고리울 고강동
김원준 - 거기 그렇게 있었다
임내영 - 무대에 서서
박영녀 - 한여름
홍명근 - 여우고개를 넘으며
이봉영 - 진달래꽃

윤석금 - 상상시장
임주희 - 복사골 에필로그
박혜숙 - 정오의 밥차
한상현 - 소사소묘
이건선 - 복사골에 속삭이는 바람
김양숙 - 푸른 산 하나가 일어서고 있다
이종헌 - 대장동 들판에 서서
안선희 - 송내역 카페
김우진 - 꽃잎 우화
박선희 - 춘의동, 솟대가 서다
이남철 - 첫서리
최유식 - 성주산을 바라보며
문신진 - 가을밤 세레나데
엄한백 - 벚꽃마을
구미리내 - 부천 이야기

허윤설 - 온전한 지킴
유부식 - 출근길 풍경
정무현 - 소사읍 본가입납
박영봉 - 겨울, 대장동 이야기
이창원 - 도당 우물터에서
윤명석 - 복숭아 터전
구유현 - 우리 마을지앵
김승동 - 부천, 미리내 마을
동미경 - 원미산 산책
김무하 - 인생의 시간 또한 한조각 구름처럼
김옥순 - 대장동의 저물녘
주옹규 - 성주산
조용수 - 원미산 진달래꽃
이부자 - 어느 노인
양정동 - 노부부의 산책

역자 우형숙 소개

List of Articles
번호 제목 글쓴이 날짜 조회 수
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