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세월의 녹만 멍처럼 번집니다.
Deserted Houses
Kim Min-su
Whenever a village, black as a sore, gets older
deserted houses increase in number, one by one.
In empty hearts rain flows weeping evrywhere,
while kitchens that onec saw in the morning boiling cattle feed at crack of dawn
come outside and just stare at the sky.
The knots of pillars stiff like arthritis
bend in the soft passing of the south wind
until the roof is brought down to the height pf the should, straining.
the fluorescent lamp that once captured needy needy lives just as they were
has not even the vigour to flieker now
and the sunbeams that once peobed every coenr
only hang around pathetically in the unsightly, sprawling garden.
The garden wall that embraced a whole lifetime within its bosom
from some day or other lies overwhelmed on the ground
while the front gate grows bloodshot, guilty of failing to bear a nameplate,
and the rust of time spreads like a bruise.